Consumer Protection Council

Consumer Protection Council: In 1972, the Consumer Protection Council, a government agency, was established with the main objective of preserving consumer rights. The Department of Consumer Affairs, the Department of Law and Justice, and the Department of Industry Policy and Promotion are just a few of the government departments that have representatives on the council.

The council’s primary goal is safeguarding the interests of consumers by monitoring and upholding consumer protection laws, encouraging consumer education, and providing avenues for consumer redress. Additionally, the council is in favour of policies and laws that benefit consumers.

What is the Consumer Protection Council? 

The Consumer Protection Council is a nonprofit that provides Indian customers with legal assistance. They accomplish this by developing and promoting effective consumer protection laws and by educating people about their legal rights. It offers a broad range of services, including product liability, consumer disputes, and credit information.

The council also organises awareness campaigns to educate people about their legal rights as consumers. People who have been wronged by corporations or government agencies can get free counsel and support from the council.

The Consumer Protection Council can therefore help you whether you have experienced fraud or merely believe that you have been treated unfairly in the past.

Types of Consumer Protection Council:-

There are three different types of Consumer Protection Council:-

  1. Central Consumer Protection Council
  2. State Consumer Protection Council
  3. District Consumer Protection Council

Central Consumer Protection Council

The Central Consumer Protection Council, also known as the Central Council, shall be established by the Central Government in accordance with Chapter 2 Section 3 of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. The Central Council, which serves as an advisory council, must include the following individuals:

The chairperson of the council will be chosen from among any number of official or non-official members who represent the necessary interests as defined by the Act, as well as the Minister in charge of the Department of Consumer Affairs in the Central Government.

Consumer Protection Council
Consumer Protection Council

The Central Council may convene as often as required, but at least one meeting must be held each year. The Central Council’s mission is to uphold and advance the interests of consumers as defined by the Act.

State Consumer Protection Council:-

Each state government is required to create a State Consumer Protection Council, often known as the State Council, with exclusive authority over that state. The State Council serves as a consultative body. The State Council’s members are:

The Central Government may also appoint not fewer than ten members for the purposes of this Act, and the Minister-in-charge of Consumer Affairs in the State Government will be appointed as the council’s chairperson. The council will also have any number of official or non-official members representing necessary interests under the Act.

Every year, the State Councils must meet at least twice. 

District Consumer Protection Council

According to Section 8 of the Act, the state government must create a District Consumer Protection Council, also known as the District Council, for each district. The District Council’s members are:

The District Council will be led by the collector of that district,

with any additional members selected to reflect the Act’s required interests.

The objectives of the Consumer Protection Council

Now that you know the fundamentals of the Consumer Protection Council’s structure, it’s time to learn more about its vital responsibilities and objectives. The Consumer Protection Council provides clients with unbiased legal rights advice and help.

Many corporate sectors are represented by its members, who are experts in consumer protection.

Consumer Protection Council
Consumer Protection Council

Together, they provide impartial, impartial guidance and help for customer needs. The council also strives to educate consumers about their rights and defend businesses against deceptive consumer behaviour.

  • It performs duties such as creating policy guidelines for the protection and advancement of consumer interests. to provide guidance on matters relating to consumer protection.
  • To offer guidance to the government on all issues relating to consumer protection. 
  • To monitor adherence to the laws, orders, or other directives issued by the government or any other authority or organisation.
  • To hear consumer complaints about violations of any provision or omissions to follow them.

How Can the Council Aid You?

The Consumer Protection Council strives to safeguard customers from dishonest business practises. These might involve deceptive product pricing, deceptive advertising, and unauthorised product alterations. It is important to get in touch with these organisations for support if you believe you have been the victim of unfair commercial practises.

The Consumer Protection Council is essential to safeguarding consumer rights. It accomplishes this through a variety of actions including research, public awareness campaigns, oversight, investigations, and mediation.

Consumer protection is a major focus for the CPC, which also works to guarantee that consumers have access to accurate information about their legal rights.

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About Lovely Kumari

I am a Software Developer. I am keen to learn and explore new technology and trends. I started blogging recently and I am loving it.

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