Copyright Claim meaning and Section

Copyright Claim meaning and Section: Copyright is a collection of exclusive legal privileges awarded to authors of original works. It is a type of legal intellectual property protection. The rights granted by copyright legislation include the rights to reproduce an artwork, communicate it to the public, adapt it, and translate it.

Certain types of intellectual property, often referred to as works of authorship, are given property rights by means of copyright laws. ‘Original work’ creators’ legal rights are safeguarded by copyright laws, which forbid any other form of reproduction of the work.

The primary objectives of copyright are:

  • to promote the advancement of innovation, science, and culture
  • to give copyright owners financial compensation for their creations
  • to make it easier for the general population to obtain information and enjoyment.

A framework for interactions between the various stakeholders in the content industries and between content consumers and rights holders is provided by copyright. Along with trademarks and patents, which are considered forms of intellectual property in every country, copyright also includes other works (such as trade secrets, database rights, rights of publicity, and similar rights) that may differ from one nation to another.

What exactly is a copyright claim? (Copyright Claim meaning and Section)

Any platform, like YouTube, is open to copyright claims. When someone publishes or utilises the content without having created or owned it, the claim is made. The rightful owner can recognise the copyrighted work and choose whether to pursue legal action.

As an alternative, you can take control of and make money from your film. In that situation, an advertisement will be shown on the video, and the copyright holder will receive payment. The video can be outlawed everywhere or just in some places.

What Do YouTube Copyright Claims Mean?

Copyright claims are also referred to as content ID claims on the YouTube platform.

The Content ID system on YouTube notifies users when a copyright claim has been made. It happens when a section of a channel owner’s video matches a copylefted piece of media. Depending on whether the video qualifies for Fair Use, the creator may then choose to file a claim rather than file a copyright takedown notice.

Here are some things to remember:

  • Your channel won’t suffer if a copyright claim is made against YouTube.
  • If you used someone else’s content in your video, the rights holder has the right to recover the earnings.
  • The copyright holder may run advertisements on your video to make money.
  • Your video may be restricted in some countries or regions by the copyright holder.
  • It’s also possible for the copyright owners to decide not to take any action (but don’t count on it!).
  • Copyright Law includes copyright claims.
  • They don’t apply to the entire channel; they just apply to the flagged videos.
  • Depending on whether you actually own the content that is being claimed by someone else, a claim may be shown to be untrue.


Instead of protecting the ideas themselves, copyright law guards how those ideas are expressed. The ownership of original works is safeguarded. Regarding musical, theatrical, artistic, and literary works, as well as film and sound recordings, it grants an exclusive right to perform particular acts or permits others to do so. Literature also contains references to computer programmes.

The ability to permit or ban the commercial renting of their works to the general public will be granted to authors of computer programmes and broadcasting organisations. The films are likewise subject to these comparable exclusive rights. 

In India, copyright protection is governed by the Copyright Act, 1957, and the Copyright Rules, 1958.

Section 13 of Copyright Act:

Instead of protecting the ideas themselves, copyright law safeguards manifestations of ideas. Literary works, theatrical works, musical works, creative works, cinematograph films, and sound recordings all have copyright protection under Section 13 of the Copyright Act of 1957. For instance, the Act protects literary works such as books and computer programmes.

According to Section 13(1), the Copyright applies to all of India, and the following types of works are covered by the Copyright: 

  • original literary, musical, and dramatic works 
  • an audio recording 
  • Cinematograph films 

Application for registration of copyright in India with fees 

Creators who are interested in signing up for copyright registration must pay a certain price based on the type of work covered by copyright rules. Check out the prices for the various project types below.

Copyright protection and Fees charged for each work in India

  • Artistic, musical, drama and literary works -Rs. 500 per work 
  • Artistic and literary works used for goods -Rs. 2000 per work 
  • Sound recording -Rs. 2000 per work 
  • Cinematograph films-Rs. 5000 per work 

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About Lovely Kumari

I am a Software Developer. I am keen to learn and explore new technology and trends. I started blogging recently and I am loving it.

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