Indiana Lunch Break Laws 2023

Indiana Lunch Break Laws: It's simple for managers to believe that a few minutes here and there won't make a difference when it comes to rest and lunch breaks. But this isn't the case at all. Over the past few years, break rules infractions have resulted in expensive lawsuits.

There is very little to no federal guidelines on the matter of lunch breaks. State regulations on paid and unpaid breaks from employment vary, though.

It’s critical to comprehend the laws that apply to your company and those that do not.

Indiana Lunch Break Laws

Federal Laws for Break (Indiana Lunch Break Laws)

Companies are not required by federal law to provide breaks for eating or other purposes during working hours.

Federal law does, however, provide that if a company decides to permit break times, any breaks under 20 minutes should be compensated, and any breaks beyond 30 minutes can be unpaid and considered off-the-clock, according to the U.S. Department of Labour.

Thus, the federal government essentially leaves it up to the employer. Meal breaks longer than 30 minutes are not paid, while rest intervals under 20 minutes are. These federal requirements automatically apply if a state fails to have its own clear regulations addressing breaks.

Lunch Break in Indiana

According to Indiana law, adolescents who have been scheduled to labor six hours or more must be given a couple of uninterrupted meals or rest periods of 30 minutes. A number of occupations are exempt from this requirement under state legislation.

These include people who work as farm labourers, household helpers, golf caddies, and newspaper carriers. Employees under the age of 18 who have finished a vocational programme or withdrew from school are likewise exempt.

Although Indiana lacks a lunch and break statute for those over 18, there are federal regulations that apply to Indiana residents. Federal law provides guidelines on whether or not an employee should be paid during these hours, even if it does not specify any particular breaks or lunch times.

Short breaks, which often last 20 minutes or less, should be added to the number of hours worked.

Genuine “meal periods” typically last 30 minutes or longer and are exempt from being paid as work time. However, in order for this to be the case, the employee’s responsibilities during the meal break must be entirely removed.

Employers providing Lunch Break

Naturally, a lot of firms give their employees these breaks as a matter of tradition and policy since they understand that a person who is hungry and fatigued is not productive or pleasant to clients and co-workers. Despite how reasonable it may appear, companies are not obligated by law to provide breaks, at least not under federal law.


There are more protections for workers in some states. Many states demand that employers give employees food breaks, rest breaks, or both. Indiana, however, deviates from this pattern. In Indiana, employers are not required to offer either rest or eating breaks.

How long does it take to earn a lunch break in Indiana?

15-minute breaks every four to six hours, or 30-minute breaks every six hours or more. The employer is required to give the worker a 30-minute break after every 8 or more straight hours worked, plus an extra 15 minutes for every additional 4 straight hours.

How many breaks are there in an eight-hour shift?

20-minuteRest breaks in the workplace refer to the staff member’s right to take one 20-minute rest break that is unbroken during the working day. This is applicable if they worked for more than six hours. For shifts longer than six hours, including those lasting eight hours, the law regarding breaks at work remains unchanged.

How can I get in touch with Indiana’s Department of Labour?

Contact the Indiana Department of Labour at 317-232-2655 or if you have any questions about the state’s child labour regulations. Breaks may also be governed by federal laws.

Holiday employment and designation as violations of Indiana labour laws

The business is not required under Indiana labour law to provide employees holidays off as breaks, and they are not subject to paying higher wages either.  Regardless of the terms for any breaks to Indiana labour laws or promises of remuneration, the employer will abide by all clauses in the employment agreement.

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About Lovely Kumari

I am a Software Developer. I am keen to learn and explore new technology and trends. I started blogging recently and I am loving it.

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