Changes made to the Ohio child support Law. Here’s everything you need to know

Ohio child support Law :- In Ohio, every kid is entitled to both parents' financial assistance. A court-issued child support order facilitates the achievement of this goal. A statutory formula that calculates the correct child support obligation based on the parents' income is used to determine child support payments.

In Ohio, parents have two options if they wish to modify the child support order: they can go to court or ask the county Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) for an administrative review. The modification is evaluated in light of the parents’ existing financial circumstances. Should one parent initiate a court action that could impact the CESA review, or if one parent requests a revision from the court.

The new child support law

The new law is highly complex and represents a significant change in many areas. It goes into effect on March 28, 2019. Like a lot of Ohio divorce attorneys, I’m researching the ramifications and educating my staff on these adjustments. The updated, specialised computer software required to accurately compute child support has been deployed by our organisation. I’ve even made a few comparisons between a couple instances and online timetables. I can assure you that some tweaks that could have a significant impact on the result are not included in those free programmes.

I would strongly advise you to get in touch with an expert family law attorney in the area where your order was obtained to recalculate the support if, after reading the summary I’ve provided, you still have questions.

These are the changes:- ( Ohio child support Law)

Review Time Range #1

Child support orders are subject to reviews every 36 months, either from the date of the prior review or from the date the order was formed. Parents are not permitted to request modifications at any time.

To determine whether your matter qualifies for review, the CESA must assess it. The CESA will get in touch with both parties within 15 days of the request if the matter qualifies.

Information must be submitted by both parties within 45 days, or sooner if certain conditions are met.

The finalisation of the adjustment may take several months.


Prior to the new legislation, joint incomes over $150,000.00 could not be determined through computations.  Up to $300,000 in joint gross income is handled by the new worksheet.

Spousal support #3

It is still deductable from income for the parent receiving it and admissible as a deduction for the person providing it on the worksheet.  The Federal Income Tax Law, which removed spousal assistance from income tax computations for new cases under an Order after January 1, 2019, should not be mistaken with this deduction. The adjustment for local taxes paid has been discontinued.

Particular Situations for an Early Review:

  • A parent may ask for a change before the full 36 months have passed for a variety of reasons.
  • 30 days or more of a work layoff or joblessness
  • a significant shift in income, either up or down
  • A rise or fall in health insurance or child care expenses
  • serving in the military actively
  • An ongoing impairment
  • institutionalisation or incarceration without a source of income or assets to maintain the child

Results of Modification

Resulting from a modification request:

  • An increase in the amount of child support due currently
  • A reduction in the present amount of child support due
  • Nothing alters
  • A party may ask for a hearing if they disagree with the decision.

In Ohio, who pays child support?

It is legally required of all parents to provide for their children. However Ohio law presumes that parents who remain with their children the majority of the time (referred to as “the primary residential parents”) pay their support obligation directly to the children. Therefore, even in cases where parents split parenting responsibilities, child support is usually paid by the noncustodial (or nonresidential) parents.

Split custody agreements, in which parents who have many children share the children between them, operate differently. In this case, the higher-earning parent pays child support, but only to the extent necessary to balance the obligations of each parent.

Sections Related to child support laws:-

  • Ohio Domestic Relations Section 3119.49, 3119.50
  • Ohio Domestic Relations Section 3119.60, 61, 63, 64, 65
  • Ohio Domestic Relations Section 3119.70, 73, 75, 76, 77

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About Lovely Kumari

I am a Software Developer. I am keen to learn and explore new technology and trends. I started blogging recently and I am loving it.

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