Understanding Texas Parking Regulations for Residential Streets

Certain types of parking violations are subject to state-wide fines under Texas parking laws on residential streets.  Texas parking law forbids arbitrary fees, yet these fines can be very high in some locations—especially if you get a ticket in a major city, business district, or state university institution.  Find out the costs by researching the institution or city’s Texas parking regulations.

Understanding Texas Parking Regulations for Residential Streets
Texas Parking Regulations for Residential Streets

Introduction: Texas parking laws on residential streets

Drivers must be aware of their surroundings and the traffic laws when driving in Texas. Merely because you parked your car does not mean that this stops. In fact, if you park your car improperly or in the wrong place, you can end up compromising other drivers. It is crucial to pay attention to and follow the parking regulations. It will safeguard your safety and the safety of others, prevent you from receiving a parking penalty, and keep your car from being towed.

Laws related to Texas parking laws on residential streets

All the laws related to parking in Texas are listed under the State’s Transportation Code. Section 545.301, 545.302, 545.303 of the State Transportation Code describe specifically Texas parking laws.

Particular laws for parking outside of a commercial or residential sector are provided in Section 545.301. The Section describes

  • Outside of a business or residential sector, an operator is not permitted to stop, park, or leave standing either an attended or unattended vehicle on a highway’s heavily trafficked main segment unless:
  1. It is not practical to stop, park, or leave the vehicle off the heavily traveled portion of the route;
  2. a portion of the highway adjacent to the vehicle is clear and open for other traffic to pass; and
  3. On the highway, the vehicle is visible for at least 200 feet in both directions.
  • This section is Exempted to an Operator of :
  1. a car that is disabled while on the paved or heavily trafficked portion of a highway if it is unavoidable to stop and leave the vehicle there for a period;
  2. a vehicle used solely for the transportation of solid, semisolid, or liquid waste that was in operation at the time in conjunction with the removal or transportation of such garbage from a location close to a highway; or
  3. a tow truck that is carrying out towing tasks in accordance with Chapter 2308 (Vehicle Towing and Booting), Occupations Code, as defined by Section 545.157 (Passing Certain Vehicles)(e).

Section 545.302 specify about Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited in particular places

An operator is not permitted to stand, stop, or park a vehicle:

  1. A car stopped or parked on the roadway side of a street’s edge or curb;
  2. on a sidewalk;
  3. in an intersection;
  4. on a crosswalk;
  5. unless the governing body of a municipality specifies a different length by signs or markings, within 30 feet of a location on the curb directly opposite the ends of a safety zone or between a safety zone and the next curb;
  6. If stopping, standing, or parking the car would impede traffic, it should be done alongside or across from a street excavation or obstruction;
  7. on a bridge, another elevated structure, or in a tunnel under a highway;
  8. on a railroad track; or
  9. where it is forbidden to stop by a formal sign.

An occupied or unoccupied vehicle may not be stood or parked by the operator, other than briefly to pick up or discharge a passenger:

  1. in front of a driveway, either public or private;
  2. 15 feet or less from a fire hydrant;
  3. 20 feet or less from an intersection’s crosswalk;
  4. within 30 feet of a flashing signal, stop sign, yield sign, or traffic-control signal at the side of a road;
  5. if a fire station’s entry is appropriately designated with a sign, within 20 feet of the driveway entrance and within 75 feet of the entrance on the side of the street opposite; or
  6. where it is forbidden to stand by an official sign.

It is prohibited for an operator to temporarily park an inhabited or unoccupied vehicle, with the exception of loading or unloading cargo or passengers: 

  1. a railway crossing within 50 feet of the next rail; or
  2. where parking is forbidden by official signage.
  1. If a bicycle does not obstruct the usual and reasonable movement of pedestrians or other traffic on the sidewalk, it may be stopped, stood up or parked there.
  2. A municipality may pass a law exempting a private vehicle driven by a lift builder from the provisions of subsections (a)(1), (a)(5), (a)(6), (a)(9), (b), and (c) when it is responding to a lift emergency.
  3. If it is required to avoid a collision with other traffic or if the operator is following the law, a police officer’s orders, or an official traffic-control device, the provisions of subsections (a), (b), and (c) do not apply.
  4. The governing body of a municipality may adopt an ordinance governing the standing, stopping, or parking of a vehicle at a location described in Subsection (a)(1), other than a road or highway in the state highway system, in the municipality’s central business district if the governing body determines that it is necessary to boost the neighborhood’s economic development and that it won’t jeopardize public safety. When the ordinance and Subsection (a)(1) disagree, the ordinance takes precedence.

Section 545.303 provides for Additional Texas parking laws on residential streets

  1. The right-hand wheels of the vehicle must be parallel to and within 18 inches of the right curb or edge of the roadway when an operator stops or parks on a two-way street.
  2. When stopping or parking a vehicle on a one-way street, the driver must do so parallel to the curb or edge of the street in the direction of the authorised flow of traffic, with the right-hand wheels within 18 inches of the right curb or edge and the left-hand wheels within 18 inches of the left curb or edge. Where a local ordinance prohibits stopping or parking on a one-way street, this section does not apply.
  3. The position parking on pavement may be permitted by municipal ordinance. Unless the head of the Texas Department of Transportation determines that the stretch of road is broad enough to permit angle parking without obstructing the free flow of traffic, this subsection does not apply to a federally-aid or state highway.
  4. If the director of the Texas Department of Transportation evaluates that stopping, standing, or parking is unsafe for or would unduly impede the free flow of traffic on the highway, the Texas Department of Transportation may erect signs prohibiting or restricting such behaviour on a highway under its jurisdiction.
  5. The municipal law that was passed under Section 545.302 (Stopping, Standing, or Parking Prohibited in Certain Places)(g) takes precedence over Subsections (a) or (b) to the extent of any inconsistency.

Fine Amount for the Violation of parking laws and how to pay

  • Fines for most parking violations range from $25 to $75. $25 for the first offense in a year, $50 for the second offense and $75 for all subsequent offenses in a year.
  • If your parked vehicle creates a hazard, the Garland Police Department may issue fines in excess of $75. But the municipality said that most parking violations are handled by the city’s police stations.
  • Fined people will not receive email notifications about parking ticket payment. All violation notices are sent by regular mail and posted on the car according to the city.
  • There is a 90-day grace period before fines are imposed on unregistered vehicles.
  • If the fine is not paid by the due date, $25 will be charged to the late payer.
  • Fines can be paid online by following the instructions on your ticket. 

FAQ: Texas parking laws on residential streets

What are the general Texas parking laws on residential streets?

Although the rules varies from city to city, you can follow some general rules whic are listed blow and apllicable throughout the state.

1. One should park parallel to the curb. It should be within 12 inches of the curb, and in the same direction as traffic flow.
2. Vehicles should not disturb driveways, sidewalks or crosswalks.
3. Parking is not allowd within 10 feet of a fire hydrant, 20 feet of a crosswalk, or 30 feet from a stop sign or traffic signal

Are there any restrictions for overnight parking on residential streets?

Night-time parking restrictions on residential streets can vary from city to city in Texas. It is suggest to check local ordinances for specific guidelines. However, common restrictions are as follows:

1. Some cities require a permit for overnight parking on certain streets or in certain residential areas.
2. Vehicles parked overnight must not pose a hazard or impede traffic flow.
In some cases, there are specific time limits or restrictions on the types of vehicles that may be parked overnight.

How are residential parking permits obtained, and what are the associated rules?

Resident parking permits are issued by local authorities to control parking in certain areas of a city. The process for obtaining a parking permit and the rules associated with it may vary by city. In general, the following guidelines apply:

1. Residents must apply for a parking permit at the local government or parking authority and show proof of residency and ownership of a vehicle.
2. Parking permits are generally issued on a first-come, first-served basis, and a maximum number of parking permits may be assigned per household.
3. Parking permit holders must abide by the rules listed on the permit, such as carrying the permit in their vehicle and parking in designated areas.

Can you get a ticket for parking too close to the corner?

It is common and misleading scenario that you will get a ticket when parking near a corner. Mostly, you won’t get a ticket for parking too close to the corner. There are various factors based on that ticket will be issues. The regulations are not defined properly. If you are parking on curb, it should be 12 inches within the curb. If it has fire hydrant, the you should park at least 10 feet from it. If there is any fire station near by, you should park at least 20 feet away from it. So, if you are in hurry you can park close to the corner taking these things in mind.

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About Lovely Kumari

I am a Software Developer. I am keen to learn and explore new technology and trends. I started blogging recently and I am loving it.

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