Nebraska Child Labor Laws

Nebraska Child Labor Laws:- Nebraska has laws against child labour to protect children from being exploited for work and to make sure that education comes before employment. Age-specific limits on child labour can include constraints on the kinds of work that can be done, the number of hours that can be worked, and prohibitions on working late or overnight.

Nebraska Child Labor Laws
Nebraska Child Labor Laws; Image Credit :- Getty Images

What Nebraska laws govern minors’ working hours?

For juveniles under the age of sixteen and those between the ages of sixteen and seventeen, there are distinct legal working hours.

Under-16-year-olds are permitted to work from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. while classes are in session. This period is extended to 9 p.m. on days when there is no school. They can also work up to three hours during a school day and up to eighteen hours during a school week. A juvenile under 16 years old is only permitted to work eight hours per day and forty hours per week while school is not in session.

A minor needs to get a special work permit in order to work before 6 a.m. or after 10 p.m. (when school is not in session the next day). The permit costs $10 for both the first issue and a renewal, with a maximum 90-day validity period.

There are no labour legislation limitations on the number of hours that minors between the ages of 16 and 17 may work.

Nebraska’s Laws Regarding Child Labour For Children Under the Age of 14Children:-

Under the age of 14 are not allowed to work, with very few exceptions.  Since Nebraska is a significant corn producer, these young people might be employed in June, July and August to detassel maize.  A maximum of nine hours per day and 48 hours per week may be worked by them.  There are no time restrictions that go beyond 6 a.m. or 8 p.m.  At least two supervisors who are older than 18 must be present, and they must have documented parental consent.

Which jobs are prohibited for minors in Nebraska?

In Nebraska, laws prohibit adolescents from working in dangerous jobs and place restrictions on how many hours they can work. Their health and wellbeing may be at risk from these dangerous occupations:

  • producing or keeping explosives
  • driving a car
  • Mining of coal
  • Using machinery that is powered
  • Sawmilling and logging
  • Roofs

The Nebraska Child Labor Laws outlines the following age-related prohibitions:

When Public school is in session:-

  • No working in class
  • On school days, no earlier than 7 a.m. or later than 7 p.m.; 
  • no more than three hours per day; 
  • no more than eighteen hours per week.
  • With a special permit, one may work on non-school days earlier than 6 a.m. or later than 10 p.m.

When there is no public school in session:

  • a maximum of eight hours every day
  • 40 hours maximum per week
  • Between June 1 and Labour Day, no earlier than 7 a.m. and no later than 9 p.m.
  • may, with a special permit, work earlier than 6 a.m. or later than 10 p.m.

Nebraska’s Specific Child Labour Laws:-

Most states have specific regulations governing the employment of minors in agriculture (such as farm work and harvesting) and the entertainment industry (including child actors, models, and performers). These regulations are in addition to laws requiring work certificates or age verification for general employment of minors.

The Fair Labour Standards Act (FLSA) governs child labour at the federal level. Special labour law laws pertaining to minimum wage, lunch and break periods while working, and other matters may also apply to minors and students.

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