Parking Laws in Virginia 2023

Introduction:- Parking Laws in Virginia

Parking Laws in Virginia: In Virginia, neither the issuance of parking tickets nor the collection of fines are the responsibilities of the Motor Vehicle Commission. All parking tickets in Virginia are handled by the Virginia Municipal courts. These procedures allow localities to set their own parking regulations in VA.

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Depending on the jurisdiction, different offences will have various penalties associated with them. In light of this, all uniform parking regulations for the entire country are established by Virginia parking laws and upheld by them.

Virginia code of parking:-

The parking laws in Virginia are enshrined in Title 46.2 of Virginia Code which talks about Motor Vehicles. Under the Title 46.2 there are different sections that talks about the parking laws in Virginia .They are-

  • Section 46.2-888
  • Section 46.2-899
  • Section 46.2-1215
  • Section 46.2-1231
  • Section 46.2-1233
  • Section46.2-1239

The above Laws state that:-

Section 46.2-888- stopping on highways and withdrawing a car from the road.

A. Except in cases of an emergency, an accident, or a mechanical failure, no one shall stop a vehicle in such a way as to obstruct or make dangerous the use of the roadway by others.

B. If the vehicle is equipped with emergency flashing lights and those lights are in functioning order, the emergency flashing lights of that vehicle must be turned on in the case of such an emergency, accident, or breakdown. In order to avoid obstructing the regular transit of traffic, the driver must move the vehicle from the roadway if they are capable of doing so safely, it is mobile, and there are no injuries or fatalities as a result of the emergency, accident, or breakdown.

This does not relieve the law enforcement officer of their responsibility under 46.2-373, though. The position of the car must be reported as soon as feasible to the closest law enforcement officer, and it must be moved as quickly as possible from the road to the shoulder before being quickly removed.

Parking Laws in Virginia

C. (Probable expiration date; refer to editor’s remark) If there are no injuries or fatalities as a result of an accident on any portion of Interstate 66 where a HOT lane as defined in 33.2-500 is being constructed and the shoulders of the highway are being or have been eliminated, the driver shall move the vehicle to the closest pull-off area. However, the mobility of the vehicle will not relieve the law-enforcing authorities of their responsibility. “Pull-off area” for the purposes of this subsection includes an exit lane or another agreed-upon location. A $20 fine is imposed for a driving offence that violates the subsection. 

Section 46.2-899: Both public and private properties are covered by this article.

Whether an accident takes place on a private piece of property or on public streets or roads, the rules of this article shall still apply.

Code 1950, Section 46.1-176; 1958, Chapter 541; 1970, Chapter 59; 1982, Chapter 503; 1984, Chapter 780; 1989, Chapter 727.

Section 46.2-1215- 

It is against the law to leave automobiles on private land; counties, cities, and municipalities are allowed to make provisions for removal and disposal; and notice of disposition.

Any motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, or component of one of these may not be left on another person’s private property without that person’s permission. 

Any county, city, or town’s governing body may, by ordinance, provide that, in response to a complaint from the owner of the property on which a motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, or part thereof has been left for longer than 72 hours, the vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, or part thereof may be removed by or at the direction of a law enforcement officer or other uniformed employee of the local law enforcement agency who has been specifically designated by the chief to do so.

Section 46.2-1231- Owners or operators of parking lots or other lots or buildings may issue tickets, remove trespassing vehicles, or impair them; they may also face prosecution.

Any parking lot, parking area, parking space in a parking lot or area, or any portion of a parking lot or area, or another lot or building, involving any county, city, or town, may be owned, operated, or leased by, or leased to, an individual.

That individual, or an authorised representative of that individual, may order the removal of any vehicle parked in that lot, area, space, or building despite the owner’s, operator’s, lessee’s, or occupant’s if there are notices prominently and clearly stating that a vehicle parked without authorization will be relocated, towed, or immobilised are displayed at all entries to the parking lot or area.

Section 46.2-1233- The cost of towing may be regulated locally.

The governing body of any locality may, by ordinance, set reasonable caps on the costs associated with removing motor vehicles, trailers, and parts of them from private property in violation of 46.2-1231 and trespassing vehicles in accordance with 46.2-1215, while also taking into account the fair market value of such removal.

Localities in Planning Districts 8 and 16 shall establish by ordinance (i) a hookup and initial towing fee of not less than $135 and not more than the maximum charges provided in (ii) (ii) for towing a vehicle between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. or on any Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, an additional fee of not less than $25 and not more than the maximum charges provided in (ii) (iii); however, such ordinance.

Section-46.2-1239-Parking in specific places is punishable.

A vehicle may not be parked or left unattended on the highway in the path of an individual’s driveway, within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or the main entrance to a fire station, within 15 feet of the entrance to an emergency medical services agency that is clearly marked, within 20 feet from the intersection of curb lines, or, in the absence of curb lines, within 15 feet of the connection of property lines at any highway intersection.

Code 1950, Section 46-263; 1958, Chapter 541, Section 46.1-258; 1972, Chapter 528; 1984, Chapter 126; 1989, Chapter 727; 2015, Chapters 502, 503.

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About Lovely Kumari

I am a Software Developer. I am keen to learn and explore new technology and trends. I started blogging recently and I am loving it.

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